ReactDB: Fast and Real-Time Analytical Database

Analytical database queries are critical to support business decisions. Because these queries involve complicated computation over a large corpus of data, their execution typically takes minutes to hours. When information in the database is updated, the user needs to re-execute the query on the current snapshot of database, which again takes a long time and the result reflects a stale snapshot. In this rapidly changing world, business intelligence should react to information updates in real-time.

To this end, we design ReactDB, a new database with fast analytical queries and reactive to database updates.

ReactDB is reactive in two ways. First, cached analytical queries are reactive to updates in the database. We observe that many analytical queries are repetitive. So we cache intermediate results of frequent analytical queries. When data updates, the cached results and ongoing transactions are updated incrementally in real-time. This enables cached queries to complete immediately. The user may even subscribe to an analytical query and receive an updated query result whenever the database updates.

Second, in ReactDB, physical data layout and indexes are reactive to data access pattern. Different queries need different physical data layouts and indexes for efficient access. Traditionally, they need to be manually tuned by the DBA, which may be suboptimal for certain workloads.

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Transparent Fine-Grained Computation Offload for Event-Driven Applications

Accelerators such as GPUs, TPUs and FPGAs are deployed at scale in data centers to accelerate many online serving applications, e.g. machine learning inference, image processing, encryption and compression. These applications typically receive requests from network, do pre-processing, call a computationally intensive routine, do post-processing and finally send response to network. With accelerators, the computationally intensive routine is replaced by an RPC to the accelerator device. Here the challenge arises: what the CPU should do while waiting for the accelerator?

The traditional approach is to relinquish the CPU after sending the offloading request and the OS scheduler will switch to another thread. However, context switch in Linux takes several microseconds. A fine-grained offloaded task also ranges from several to tens of microseconds, which would soon complete and wake up the thread again. The context switch overhead not only wastes CPU, but also adds thread wake up latency to request processing latency. A second approach is to busy wait until the offloaded task completes, which obviously wastes CPU. A third approach is to rewrite the application to do other jobs within the thread while waiting for the accelerator. In this work, we build a library to transparently find and execute non-conflict jobs within the thread, without modifying application code.

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Hello Hexo

USTC Blog 彻底关闭了,享年五岁。

WordPress 实在太臃肿了,早就想迁移到静态博客,趁这个机会迁移到了 Hexo

hexo-migrator-wordpress 迁移工具并不完美,排版方面的问题需要慢慢修。另外评论也丢掉了。

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(转载自 科大新创公益基金会

计算机系统领域的顶级国际学术会议SOSP 2017(操作系统原理大会)前不久在上海举行。自1967年首届SOSP以来,操作系统和分布式系统教科书里大半的内容都出自SOSP会议。因此,系统领域的研究者普遍把在SOSP上发表论文视作一种荣誉。今年SOSP收录的39篇论文中,仅有两篇的第一作者来自中国大陆,其中就有中国科学技术大学三年级博士生李博杰和大四本科生阮震元合著的KV-Direct系统。这也是中国科学技术大学首次在SOSP上发表论文。作为本科生,阮震元是如何一步步实现科大在SOSP会议上“零的突破”的呢?

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(转载自 微软亚洲研究院

SOSP(操作系统原理大会)自1967年创办以来,两年一届,已经有50个年头了。从1969年的UNIX系统到21世纪初的MapReduce、BigTable、GFS,系统领域一系列最有影响的工作都是发表在SOSP以及与它隔年举行的兄弟会议OSDI上。如果把SOSP和OSDI历年最具影响力(Hall of Fame Award)的论文汇集成册,就是大半本操作系统和分布式系统的教科书。作为系统领域的最高学术会议,SOSP和OSDI每年只收录30至40篇高质量论文,因而能够在SOSP上发表论文是系统研究者的荣誉。

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(2017 年 11 月在中国科学技术大学演讲的结束语,抄了 爱因斯坦《探索的动机》


那么是什么把如此多的聪明人引进系统研究的领域呢? 我觉得爱因斯坦的<探索的动机》讲得很好,就化用过来了。首先是一种消极的动机,就是叔本华所说的,把人们引向艺术和科学的最强烈的动机之一,是要逃避日常生活中令人厌恶的粗俗和使人绝望的沉闷,是要摆脱人们自己反复无常的欲望的桎梏。在工程项目里,总有许多非技术的因素,有许多历史遗留的问题,有许多工具和硬件的bug。一个工程项目里大多数的时间都是在做这些并不需要很多创造力的事情,而目前的AI还不足以帮我们做好,因此修养有素的系统工程师就会渴望逃避这种复杂性,进入一种客观知觉的世界。



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KV-Direct: High-Performance In-Memory Key-Value Store with Programmable NIC

Performance of in-memory key-value store (KVS) continues to be of great importance as modern KVS goes beyond the traditional object-caching workload and becomes a key infrastructure to support distributed main-memory computation in data centers. Recent years have witnessed a rapid increase of network bandwidth in data centers, shifting the bottleneck of most KVS from the network to the CPU. RDMA-capable NIC partly alleviates the problem, but the primitives provided by RDMA abstraction are rather limited. Meanwhile, programmable NICs become available in data centers, enabling in-network processing. In this paper, we present KV-Direct, a high performance KVS that leverages programmable NIC to extend RDMA primitives and enable remote direct key-value access to the main host memory.

We develop several novel techniques to maximize the throughput and hide the latency of the PCIe connection between the NIC and the host memory, which becomes the new bottleneck. Combined, these mechanisms allow a single NIC KV-Direct to achieve up to 180 M key-value operations per second, equivalent to the throughput of tens of CPU cores. Compared with CPU based KVS implementation, KV-Direct improves power efficiency by 3x, while keeping tail latency below 10 µs. Moreover, KV-Direct can achieve near linear scalability with multiple NICs. With 10 programmable NIC cards in a commodity server, we achieve 1.22 billion KV operations per second, which is almost an order-of-magnitude improvement over existing systems, setting a new milestone for a general-purpose in-memory key-value store.

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(转载自 微软亚洲研究院

国际计算机系统架构体系学术会议SOSP 2017(Symposium on Operating Systems Principles)此刻正在上海如火如荼地举行。SOSP作为计算机系统领域最顶级的学术大会之一,若论文有幸被收录,影响力自然不言而喻。前不久,微软亚洲研究院与中国科技大学的联合培养博士生李博杰的一篇关于内存键值存储的论文就被该会议收录了。对于绝大多数非计算机行业的人而言,“内存键值存储”可谓大脑知识的盲区,是好奇心号船舶的一片深海。但对于92年的李博杰来说,这却已成为他生活的一部分。关于他的成长故事,可以从这个对我们陌生,而对他却万分熟悉的词语讲起。

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The Feniks FPGA Operating System for Cloud Computing

Driven by explosive demand on computing power and slowdown of Moore’s law, cloud providers have started to deploy FPGAs into datacenters for workload offloading and acceleration. In this paper, we propose an operating system for FPGA, called Feniks, to facilitate large scale FPGA deployment in datacenters.

Feniks provides abstracted interface for FPGA accelerators, so that FPGA developers can get rid of underlying hardware details. In addtion, Feniks also provides (1) development and runtime environment for accelerators to share an FPGA chip in efficient way; (2) direct access to server’s resource like storage and coprocessor over PCIe bus; (3) an FPGA resource allocation framework throughout a datacenter.

We implemented an initial prototype of Feniks on Catapult Shell and Altera Stratix V FPGA. Our experiements show that device-to-device communication over PCIe is feasible and efficient. A case study shows multiple accelerators can share an FPGA chip independently and efficiently.

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(转载自 微软亚洲研究院

2017年6月19-20日,开源技术盛会LinuxCon + ContainerCon + CloudOpen(LC3)首次在中国举行。两天议程满满,包括 17 个主旨演讲、8 个分会场的 88 场技术报告和微软等公司的技术展览和动手实验。LinuxCon 吸引了众多国际国内互联网巨头、电信巨头和上千名业界人士参会,包括Linux创始人Linus Torvalds,大咖齐聚共同关注业界动态。

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