Transparent PCIe Debugger and Gateway with a Commodity FPGA PCIe Board

Servers in data centers host increasing varieties of PCIe devices, e.g. GPUs, NVMe SSDs, NICs, accelerator cards and FPGAs. For high throughput and low latency, CPU-bypass direct communication among PCIe devices (e.g. GPU-Direct, NVMe-OF) is flourishing. However, many PCIe devices are designed to only talk to drivers on CPU, while the PCIe register and DMA interface is intricate and potentially undocumented. In order to capture PCIe packets and debug PCIe protocol implementations, developers need PCIe protocol analyzers which are expensive (~$250K), hard to deploy in production environment and unable to modify PCIe TLP packets that pass through.

In this work, we design and implement a transparent PCIe debugger and gateway with a commodity FPGA-based PCIe board. PCIe gateway captures packets bump-in-the-wire between a target PCIe device (e.g. NIC) and CPU. Because PCIe has fixed routing, it is impossible to perform ARP-spoofing-like attack on PCIe fabric. However, we can spoof the device driver to redirect the PCIe traffic to go through our PCIe gateway. The communication between a PCIe device and CPU falls in two categories according to the initiator.

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ReactDB: Fast and Real-Time Analytical Database

Analytical database queries are critical to support business decisions. Because these queries involve complicated computation over a large corpus of data, their execution typically takes minutes to hours. When information in the database is updated, the user needs to re-execute the query on the current snapshot of database, which again takes a long time and the result reflects a stale snapshot. In this rapidly changing world, business intelligence should react to information updates in real-time.

To this end, we design ReactDB, a new database with fast analytical queries and reactive to database updates.

ReactDB is reactive in two ways. First, cached analytical queries are reactive to updates in the database. We observe that many analytical queries are repetitive. So we cache intermediate results of frequent analytical queries. When data updates, the cached results and ongoing transactions are updated incrementally in real-time. This enables cached queries to complete immediately. The user may even subscribe to an analytical query and receive an updated query result whenever the database updates.

Second, in ReactDB, physical data layout and indexes are reactive to data access pattern. Different queries need different physical data layouts and indexes for efficient access. Traditionally, they need to be manually tuned by the DBA, which may be suboptimal for certain workloads.

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Transparent Fine-Grained Computation Offload for Event-Driven Applications

Accelerators such as GPUs, TPUs and FPGAs are deployed at scale in data centers to accelerate many online serving applications, e.g. machine learning inference, image processing, encryption and compression. These applications typically receive requests from network, do pre-processing, call a computationally intensive routine, do post-processing and finally send response to network. With accelerators, the computationally intensive routine is replaced by an RPC to the accelerator device. Here the challenge arises: what the CPU should do while waiting for the accelerator?

The traditional approach is to relinquish the CPU after sending the offloading request and the OS scheduler will switch to another thread. However, context switch in Linux takes several microseconds. A fine-grained offloaded task also ranges from several to tens of microseconds, which would soon complete and wake up the thread again. The context switch overhead not only wastes CPU, but also adds thread wake up latency to request processing latency. A second approach is to busy wait until the offloaded task completes, which obviously wastes CPU. A third approach is to rewrite the application to do other jobs within the thread while waiting for the accelerator. In this work, we build a library to transparently find and execute non-conflict jobs within the thread, without modifying application code.

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Hello Hexo

USTC Blog has been completely shut down, with a lifespan of five years.

WordPress is really too bloated, I’ve been wanting to migrate to a static blog, so I took this opportunity to migrate to Hexo.

The hexo-migrator-wordpress migration tool is not perfect, issues with formatting need to be slowly fixed. Also, the comments have been lost.

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Ruan Zhenyuan: Undergraduate Achieves USTC's Breakthrough in Top-tier Papers

(Reprinted from USTC Innovation Foundation)

The top international academic conference in the field of computer systems, SOSP 2017 (Symposium on Operating Systems Principles), was recently held in Shanghai. Since the first SOSP in 1967, most of the content in textbooks on operating systems and distributed systems has come from the SOSP conference. Therefore, researchers in the system field generally regard publishing papers at SOSP as an honor. Among the 39 papers accepted by SOSP this year, only two first authors are from mainland China, including the KV-Direct system co-authored by Li Bojie, a third-year doctoral student, and Ruan Zhenyuan, a senior undergraduate student from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). This is also the first time that USTC has published a paper at SOSP. As an undergraduate, how did Ruan Zhenyuan step by step achieve USTC’s “breakthrough from zero” at the SOSP conference?

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SOSP: The Weathervane of Computer Systems Research

(Reprinted from Microsoft Research Asia)

Since its inception in 1967, SOSP (Symposium on Operating Systems Principles) has been held every two years for 50 years. From the UNIX system in 1969 to MapReduce, BigTable, and GFS in the early 21st century, a series of the most influential works in the systems field have been published at SOSP and its biennial sibling conference OSDI. If you compile the most influential papers (Hall of Fame Award) from SOSP and OSDI over the years, it would be more than half of the textbooks on operating systems and distributed systems. As the highest academic conference in the systems field, SOSP and OSDI only accept 30 to 40 high-quality papers each year, so being able to publish a paper at SOSP is an honor for system researchers.

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Motivation for System Research

(This is the closing speech of my lecture at the University of Science and Technology of China in November 2017, copied from Einstein’s “Motivation for Exploration”)

Most research in the field of systems can be divided into two categories: one is the emergence of new hardware, such as our programmable network cards, RDMA network cards, NVMe and NVM in the field of high-speed storage, SGX, TSX instruction extensions in CPUs, which can bring many new possibilities to system design; the other is the emergence of new application scenarios, such as deep learning that we are all talking about today, which brings many new challenges to system design. However, if there are only these two types of research in the field of systems, it will not become a respected research field, just as there can be no forest with only grass. Because for new hardware or new application scenarios, even if there are no scientists who specialize in system research, engineers will come up with ways to utilize these possibilities and meet these challenges.

So what attracts so many smart people into the field of system research? I think Einstein’s explains it well, so I’ll paraphrase it here. The first is a negative motivation, as Schopenhauer said, one of the strongest motivations that lead people to art and science is to escape the vulgar and despairing boredom of everyday life, to break free from the shackles of their own capricious desires. In engineering projects, there are always many non-technical factors, many historical legacy issues, many tool and hardware bugs. Most of the time in an engineering project is spent on these things that do not require much creativity, and the current AI is not enough to help us do well, so well-cultivated system engineers will want to escape this complexity and enter a world of objective perception.

In addition to this negative motivation, there is also a positive one. People always want to draw a simplified and easy-to-understand picture of the world in the most appropriate way; so he tries to replace the world of experience with his own world system and conquer it. This is what painters, poets, speculative philosophers, and natural scientists do, each in their own way. System researchers must strictly control the subject of their research, that is, to describe the most common modules in real systems. Attempting to reproduce complex systems in the real world with the precision and completeness of system researchers is beyond human intelligence. The basic abstractions that form the foundation of the system, such as IP for networks, SQL for databases, and files for operating systems, should be universally valid for a wide range of hardware architectures and application scenarios. With these basic abstractions, it is possible to construct a complete system through pure deduction. In this construction process, engineers can add the complexity of the real world, which may lose some of the good properties of the basic abstraction, but we can still understand the behavior of the entire system through a deductive process that does not exceed human reason.

The highest mission of system researchers is to obtain these universal basic abstractions, from which high-performance, scalable, highly available, and easy-to-program systems can be established by deductive methods. There is no logical path to these basic abstractions, only through intuition based on understanding of experience. This means that a good system researcher must first be an experienced system engineer. Because of this methodological uncertainty, it can be assumed that there will be many equally valid system abstractions. This view is valid both theoretically and practically. However, the development of the system field shows that at the same time, under the same hardware constraints and application scenarios, there is always one that seems much better than the others. This is what Leibniz very aptly described as “pre-established harmony”. The desire to see this pre-established harmony is the source of the infinite perseverance and patience of system researchers.

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KV-Direct: High-Performance In-Memory Key-Value Store with Programmable NIC

Performance of in-memory key-value store (KVS) continues to be of great importance as modern KVS goes beyond the traditional object-caching workload and becomes a key infrastructure to support distributed main-memory computation in data centers. Recent years have witnessed a rapid increase of network bandwidth in data centers, shifting the bottleneck of most KVS from the network to the CPU. RDMA-capable NIC partly alleviates the problem, but the primitives provided by RDMA abstraction are rather limited. Meanwhile, programmable NICs become available in data centers, enabling in-network processing. In this paper, we present KV-Direct, a high performance KVS that leverages programmable NIC to extend RDMA primitives and enable remote direct key-value access to the main host memory.

We develop several novel techniques to maximize the throughput and hide the latency of the PCIe connection between the NIC and the host memory, which becomes the new bottleneck. Combined, these mechanisms allow a single NIC KV-Direct to achieve up to 180 M key-value operations per second, equivalent to the throughput of tens of CPU cores. Compared with CPU based KVS implementation, KV-Direct improves power efficiency by 3x, while keeping tail latency below 10 µs. Moreover, KV-Direct can achieve near linear scalability with multiple NICs. With 10 programmable NIC cards in a commodity server, we achieve 1.22 billion KV operations per second, which is almost an order-of-magnitude improvement over existing systems, setting a new milestone for a general-purpose in-memory key-value store.

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Tinkering with Systems, Boosting Their Performance by 10 Times

(Reprinted from Microsoft Research Asia)

The international academic conference on computer system architecture, SOSP 2017 (Symposium on Operating Systems Principles), is currently being held in Shanghai. As one of the top academic conferences in the field of computer systems, if a paper is fortunate enough to be included, its influence is self-evident. Not long ago, a paper on memory key-value storage by Bojie Li, a doctoral student jointly trained by Microsoft Research Asia and the University of Science and Technology of China, was included in the conference. For most people outside the computer industry, “memory key-value storage” is a blind spot in brain knowledge, a deep sea for the ship of curiosity. But for Bojie Li, born in 1992, this has become a part of his life. His growth story can be told from this word that is strange to us but very familiar to him.

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The Feniks FPGA Operating System for Cloud Computing

Driven by explosive demand on computing power and slowdown of Moore’s law, cloud providers have started to deploy FPGAs into datacenters for workload offloading and acceleration. In this paper, we propose an operating system for FPGA, called Feniks, to facilitate large scale FPGA deployment in datacenters.

Feniks provides abstracted interface for FPGA accelerators, so that FPGA developers can get rid of underlying hardware details. In addition, Feniks also provides (1) development and runtime environment for accelerators to share an FPGA chip in efficient way; (2) direct access to server’s resource like storage and coprocessor over PCIe bus; (3) an FPGA resource allocation framework throughout a datacenter.

We implemented an initial prototype of Feniks on Catapult Shell and Altera Stratix V FPGA. Our experiments show that device-to-device communication over PCIe is feasible and efficient. A case study shows multiple accelerators can share an FPGA chip independently and efficiently.

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